The topic of energy supply is of eminent importance to MAINCOR. As a producer in the plastics industry, MAINCOR needs around eleven million kilowatt hours of electricity annually for its production. The theme of own power production has therefore been on the agenda for years. Various photovoltaic roof systems and an own ground-mounted solar power plant at the Knetzgau site guarantee sustainable and economically sensible generation of our own electricity.
As a result, MAINCOR is currently able to cover 25 percent of its electricity needs itself. On good days, the company already supplies itself exclusively with self-produced electricity. Further expansion of this power source is not possible on site.
The plans for own wind energy at the Knetzgau site
…are therefore the next logical and significant step towards the energy supply of the future. The wind turbine with a hub height of 160 metres will generate up to ten million kilowatt hours of electricity and increase MANCOR’s degree of self-sufficiency to over 90 percent. The clear goal is more energy independence through the expansion of renewable energies.
These actions make the company fit for the future.
The sparing use of resources, innovations and the conversion of value chains are of central importance in order to harmonise environmental protection and economic development. It is not only the company that should benefit, but also the citizens of the Knetzgau community. MAINCOR wants to take the citizens along with it and give 20 per cent of the green electricity generated to the citizens of Knetzgau at a low price.
However, the realisation of the wind turbine is not the end of the road for MAINCOR in terms of energy. The company is already in talks with several companies that deal with the topic of storage.
For Dieter Pfister, this is another great challenge that he would like to tackle with MAINCOR: “We see ourselves as pioneers and are ready to break new ground.”